
Join The Friends Of Roman Aldborough

The Friends group has been setup to encourage people to explore their Roman heritage, offering new opportunities and experiences to help them discover their (Roman) past and to share their knowledge and expertise.

An annual programme of talks is organised for FORA members. These cover a wide variety of subjects, some linked directly to Aldborough and the local area, but others give a broader picture of life in the rest of the Roman Empire. Visits are also arranged to other Roman sites and museums throughout the North of England.

Annual Membership Prices

Please note that the Annual Membership rates have changed to the following as from 2025:

Membership Rates

Adult Membership


Junior Membership

(under 18 or in full-time education)


Joint Membership


If you would like to join us you can download the application form as a PDF document and return by post, together with a cheque made payable to Friends of Roman Aldborough to this address:

Membership Secretary
Thornycroft Farm
Minskip Road
YO51 9HG