Boroughbridge, York YO51 9ER
The Aldborough Roman Town Project began in 2009, with the aim of learning more about the remains of Isurium Brigantium, and what it could reveal about Roman Britain. Over the past nine years a wide range of survey techniques has been used to map the buildings, roads and ditches as well as pulling together previous work in the area. A great deal has been discovered about this Roman town which was a very important centre of administration for much of northern Britain.
“The last 9 years has seen a huge expansion in our knowledge about Roman Aldborough. The extensive geophysical surveys (featured in previous talks) have allowed us to map the town itself as well as vast tracts of the land around it. As a result, we have been able to gradually form a clearer picture of the development of the town and its wider context in Roman Britain. The results of this year’s excavations will be discussed in the context of this broader overview, showing how they fit into the wider picture.”
Rose and Martin will share their most recent exciting findings, which are due to be published shortly in their final report, during the talk in St. Andrew’s Church. They will also be joining all those who attend the talk for refreshments which will be served afterwards in St Andrew’s Aldborough.