From the stunning fragments of mosaic to the smallest piece of pottery bearing the name of its maker Nator, each artefact in the newly refurbished museum gives us a unique glimpse in to life in Roman Aldborough. The wide range of artefacts are now displayed under the following themes:
Becoming a Roman Craft and Industry Architecture
Dining Ritual, Burial and Worship of the Gods Leisure and Games
Clothing Personal Adornment Surgical
Before this happened, however, a meticulous process of conservation had to take place. This illustrated Zoom talk will tell us more about this fascinating process and gives us a rare opportunity to go behind the scenes at the museum.
Leesa Vere – Stevens is Collections and Projects Conservator for English Heritage. “ I love dealing with and finding out about historical objects that real people saw, held, used or made hundreds and sometimes thousands of years ago.” Prior to working on the Aldborough Collection, she worked on the redevelopment project at Corbridge Roman Town with one of the largest, most varied and interesting on – site collections of Roman material in the UK.